Exercise #3

Congratulations!!! You have reached the most challenging analysis of TFTR Shot Data. This exercise will stretch your brain to the limit!

* * *

Input Power Scans Input Power Scans
in Low Mode in Supershot
Deuterium- Deuterium- Deuterium- Deuterium-
only Tritium only Tritium
88603 88898 79187 79102
88578 88896 79159 79122
88720 88742 79010 79100

* * *

In this exercise, you will need to build on what you have learned in the first two exercises. Good luck!

Step 1 

Place the shot numbers from each category in the data table below. This data table is strictly for your own record keeping. Then, input the shot numbers for deuterium only plasmas in low mode into the plotting function at the bottom of the page. Select Total Input Power and Output Fusion Power. Record the time of interest, that is the time when the input power vs. time graph is constant and when the output fusion is at a maximum. Also, record the value of the input power and fusion power at the time of interest.

Step 2 

Keeping the same deuterium only low mode shot numbers, plot stored energy and energy confinement time. Record the values of these parameters at the time of interest you found in Step 1. Also, calculate the power efficiencies.

Step 3 

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for deuterium-tritium in low mode, deuterium only supershots and deuterium-tritium supershots.

* * *

Plasma Shot Number Time of Interest (sec) Input Power (MW) Confinement time (sec) Output Power (MW) Stored Energy Efficiency (%)
Deuterium (Low-Mode)
Deuterium-Tritium (Low Mode)
Deuterium (Supershot)
Deuterium-Tritium (Supershot)

>> Click here to create a new window for your plotting.


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